Sigma alpha iota
Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter
Description: a green and red background with a row of roses at the bottom. At the Top it states "Welcome to the Rose Garden" to the left are the letters S A I with a single Red rose wrapped around them. The Text Reads, " The Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter (installed 1950) of Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity meets in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and its surrounding areas including Montgomery, Bucks, Delaware, and Chester counties as well as Southern New Jersey. We dedicate our endeavors to the memory of our seven founders: Mary Storrs Andersen, Elizabeth A. Campbell, Frances Caspari, Nora Crane Hunt, Leila Farlin Laughlin, Georgina Potts, Minnie M. Davis Sherrill. They established the first chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota on June 12, 1903 at the University of Michigan School of Music and to the memory of the first President of the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter, Eloise Peake McKnight. The Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter is in Chi A Province and Region VIII.
Members of the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter and NVP Alumnae Chapters at the 2022 National Convention in Greensboro, NC.